The TCI Commitment – A Safe & Secure Platform

by | Feb 18, 2022 | Global | 1 comment

Life online has its challenges.  The important thing for everyone in the TCI Expat Community to know is that, as an organization, we are not only very well aware of this issue but have proactively addressed it as a core value from our platform’s inception.  We call our policy to protect the safety and security of our platform “The TCI Commitment.”

The TCI Expat Community is a private social media platform designed to educate and encourage you on your journey as a pre-pat (an aspiring expat) or a  or as a current expat. We believe that all TCI Expat Community members:

  1. Have a  right to timely, relevant, and objective information
  2. Have a right to amicable, respectful, and informative interactions with our Alliance and fellow community members
  3. Have a right to online privacy and security on our platform.

We take these matters seriously as we are sure you do as well. As a community, we will work together to follow these guidelines of good and respectful behavior and ensure that the trust we work hard to earn from our community is successfully maintained at all times.

Please click the link below to learn more about the TCI Commitment.

Link:  The TCI Commitment